• Railyard Fitness (map)
  • 703 Camino de la Familia
  • Santa Fe, NM, 87501

Join The Body Innate’s Jaye Marolla and Nordic Flow’s Dr. Rob Williams for a morning of guided Breathwork and Movement, exploring how to use your Breath and your Body to alchemize your own internal power, integrating mind, body, and spirit. Bring a water bottle, comfortable clothes, and a light snack. Learn more about Jaye’s work and training at https://www.thebodyinnate.com, and more about Rob’s work and training at www.nordicflow.io

WHEN: Sunday 3/16 from 9 am to 12 pm

WHERE: Studio Annex at Railyard Fitness (private space, catty corner to parking lot)

CAP: 12 People

COST: $50

Dr. Rob Williams is director of the Nordic Flow Academy, a member of the Nordic Wave cold plunge marketing team, and trained in a variety of breath training modalities, including the Wim Hof Method (LVL 2), Oxygen Advantage breathwork for sport and performance, and the Buteyko Method. He offers breath and cold plunge training workshops around the world.


Wim Hof Method (LVL 2),

Oxygen Advantage (breathwork for sport and performance)

Buteyko Method

Jaye Marolla is a somatic educator, martial artist and therapeutic bodyworker here in Santa Fe, she has been exploring and teaching movement for over fifteen years and offers classes and treatments through her YINDOJO.