The workout you need
The RF Method is a 3 week program of curated workouts with a Personal Trainer. In this series clients will commit to 3 Phases of workouts, moving through, FOUNDATION, FAT LOSE and STRENGTH. This is a unique opportunity to work with a trainer to increase your;
Upper Body Strength
HITT Cardio
Lower Body Strength
Mobility + Stretching
Full Body
Upper Body Strength select the areas of your current workouts where you work with a trainer to increase the efficeny/value of your
What is the RF Method?
The RF Method is a systamatic training program that hinges on three main parts;
Muscle imbalances are the primary cause of injury in daily activities and when working out. To help avoid injury and to correctly engage the kinetic chain during a movement, we need professional feedback. A personal trainer has the ability to spot the gaps in your static posture and movement to make the necessary adjustments so that your body is in alignment when executing an exercise. In the first week of the RF Method, we focus on FOUNDATION, working at your level to make adjustments, ensuring the correct muscles are engaged while
How does it work?
The RF Method is a system of exercises that are hand selected by our personal trainers. Each
Where can I pick up my order at Railyard Fitness?
Your order will be delivered on either a Monday or Wednesday depending on your selection. A bag with your name on it will be in the SILVER FRIDGE by the wood lockers.
Is there a discount for Railyard Fitness members?
Yes! We have negotiated a discount for our members.
Bowls $30 - RF Member Discount $5 / Your Total = $25
Soups $12 - RF Member Discount $2 / Your Total = $10
Juices $12 - RF Member Discount $2 / Your Total = $10
Where do I return my bag and cleaned jars?
Juicy Foods 505 recycles the used jars through a commercial cleaning system and reuses them for the next delivery. Return your jars cleaned, and in the same bag with your name on it, and place it on top of the SILVER FRIDGE for pick up.